Women's Mental Health, Childhood Trauma, and Murder
On January 13, 2021, Lisa Montgomery was executed by the federal government in the United States. She was the first woman in 68 years to be sentenced to death. This egregious miscarriage of justice prompted many to speak up in protest against the mistreatment of Lisa Montgomery. I was interviewed by Jessica Proeller for an article highlighting the issues and need for greater advocacy and awareness. Mental Health and Trauma Influences on Maternal Infanticide and Filicide I also published the following Manifesto/Declaration on my website in conjunction with the Marce Spanish Society of Perinatal Mental Health (MARES) and the Spanish Association of Perinatal Psychology (AEPP) : The Centre for Perinatal Psychology and Forensics (mmhforensics.org) My passion in this area grew from my work with George Parnham, J.D.